Hybrid PDF-signatures demonstrated
Work package four is mainly focused on creating proof-of-concepts. The proof-of-concepts are related to the usage of hybrid keys and their related infrastructure. Creating proof-of-concepts provide insight in the challenges you will face when migrating to a quantum-safe public key infrastructure.
Hybrid PDF-signatures demonstrated
Last year we focussed on the usage of a hybrid key. The use-case we applied this to is hybrid pdf signatures. PDF-documents are often used for contracts and need to be valid for a long time. Any document being signed today, without a hybrid key, will need to be re-signed to become quantum-safe. Otherwise, the signature can be forged using a quantum computer. Migrating the signature creation to quantum-safe cryptography often gives rise to compatibility issues with system that have not migrated yet. Hybrid signatures solve this by providing not only a quantum-safe signature, but also a classical signature.
Digital signature service
We have created a proof-of-concept, which modifies the Digital Signature Service (DSS) created by the Nowina Solutions for the European Commission. The modification allows DSS to sign and validate a PDF document with a hybrid key. We based this work on the standard of X.509 from the ITU-T. The proof-of-concept was well received at the Post Quantum Cryptography Conference of the PKIC.